Navisworks基础视频教程@@@@|Navisworks EssentialTraining
2014-04-04 17:15:55   由@@ pqcj上传@@    评论@@:0 点击@@:




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最新更新@@:2014-04-04 17:21:38



Autodesk Navisworks解决方案支持所有项目相关方可靠地整合@@、分享和@@审阅详细的三维设计模型@@@@,在建筑信息模型@@@@(BIM)工作流中处于核心地位@@@@。BIM的意义在于@@,在设计与建造阶段及之后@@,创建并@@使用@@与建筑项目有关的相互一致且可计算的信息@@。Autodesk Navisworks软件@@能够将@@AutoCAD和@@Revit系列等应用创建的设计数据@@,与来自其它@@设计工具的几何图形和@@信息相结合@@,将其作为整体的三维项目@@,通过多种文件格式进行实时审阅@@,而无需考虑文件的大小@@。Navisworks软件@@产品可以帮助所有相关方将项目作为一个整体来看待@@,从而优化从设计决策@@、建筑实施@@、性能预测和@@规划直至设施管理和@@运营等各个环节@@。
Autodesk Navisworks软件@@系列包括四款产品@@,能够帮助您和@@您的扩展团队加强对项目的控制@@,使用@@现有的三维设计数据透彻了解并预测项目的性能@@,即使在最复杂的项目中也可提高工作效率@@,保证工程质量@@。
AutodeskNavisworks Manage软件@@是设计和@@施工管理专业人员使用@@的一款全面审阅解决方案@@,用于保证项目顺利进行@@。Navisworks Manage将精确的错误查找和@@冲突管理功能与动态的四维项目进度仿真和@@照片级可视化功能完美结合@@。
Autodesk Navisworks Simulate软件@@能够精确地再现设计意图@@,制定准确的四维施工进度表@@,超前实现施工项目的可视化@@。在实际动工前@@,您就可以在真实的环境中体验所设计的项目@@,更加全面地评估和@@验证所用材质和@@纹理是否符合设计意图@@。
Autodesk Navisworks Review软件@@支持您实现整个项目的实时可视化@@,审阅各种格式的文件@@,而无需考虑文件大小@@@@。
Navisworks spans the design and the construction worlds. This course is designed for residents of both: construction personnel, architects, and engineers who are looking to integrate design with the as-built world. Learn how to use Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate to gain control and get a holistic view of your projects. Eric Wing shows how to manage models, clash the models for interference, and virtually construct a building using a construction timeline. He also shows how to create material takeoffs and conduct live, interactive walk-throughs with clients and contractors. On the surface, Navisworks might look like just a file viewer, but with this course, you'll learn things about its analysis and simulation tools that would be either impossible or impossibly expensive any other way.
Topics include:
Appending and merging different file types
Walking through your model
Working with viewpoints
Reviewing and marking up a model
Manipulating and finding objects
Adding links to objects
Sorting and grouping
Creating clash tests
Adding a timeline with the Timeliner
Creating material takeoffs
Creating custom animations and scripts for an interactive movie

上一篇@@:Revit2015视频教程@@|Revit Architecture 2015

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