MODO人物步行动画@@视频教程@@@@@@|Creating a Walk Cycle in MODO
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MODO人物步行动画@@视频教程@@@@@@|Creating a Walk Cycle in MODO
软件@@版本@@:MODO 701
modo是一款高级多边形细分曲面@@,建模@@、雕刻@@、3D绘画@@、动画@@与渲染的综合性@@3D软件@@。由@@Luxology, LLC设计并维护@@。该软件@@具备@@许多高级技术@@,诸如@@N-gons(允许存在边数为@@4以上的多边形@@),多层次的@@3D绘画@@与边权重工具@@,可以运行在苹果的@@Mac OS X与微软的@@Microsoft Windows操作平台@@。
Duration 3h 2m Level Beginner Project Files Included 
Software used
MODO 701
What you will learn
Taking one step at a time, in this tutorial, we'll break down the body mechanics of a walk cycle.
We'll begin this process by learning about the main positions that one goes through in a walk and how we 
can pose the extremes for our character's walk cycle. Following this we'll learn how to create seamless cycles and explore ways we can add convincing follow-through and weight. Along the way, we'll also use MODO's graph editor to make refinements to our walk cycle by adjusting curves, tangent handles, and mirroring values.
After watching this course you'll have the confidence to create walk cycles that have a lot of personality while having a lot of fun.
01. Introduction and project overview 00:52
02. Understanding a walk and setting up our scene 09:51
03. Starting the contact position 13:53
04. Finishing the contact position 15:34
05. Adding the down position 09:51
06. Completing the extremes of the walk 11:38
07. Refining the upper body and the feet 11:25
08. Balancing the character in the front view 10:45
09. Animating the subtle rotations of the feet 08:35
10. Adding weight to the hips 08:45
11. Animating the rotations of the upper body 06:16
12. Working on the chest 09:01
13. Animating the head 14:04
14. Correcting the motion of the upper arms 12:47
15. The follow-through and overlapping action of the elbows 10:39
16. Adding follow-through to the wrists 16:41
17. Refining shoulder movement 04:38
18. Translating a walk cycle forward 07:31

上一篇@@:MODO 601视频教程@@@@|Creating Product Shots in modo

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