Itoo Rail Clone Pro v1.4.3.220 MAX 64BIT|MAX参数化建模插件@@@@Rail Clone Pro
2013-03-20 09:15:33   由@@ pqcj上传@@    评论@@:0 点击@@:




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最新更新@@:2013-03-20 09:26:09



Itoo Rail Clone Pro v1.4.3.220 MAX 64BIT|MAX参数化建模插件@@@@Rail Clone Pro
Rail Clone室@@3DSMAX最好的参数化建模插件@@@@@@,让你仅需几步就可完成复杂结构的建模工作@@。

RailClone is a 3DS Max plugin forparametric modeling based on custom geometry parts, definable by the user, and a set of construction rules. This new concept of modeling lets you to build complex and realistic structures for Architectural Visualization, Civil Engineering and Interior Design.

The software includes a full library of preset models to create Fences, Railings, Barriers, Guardrails, Handrails or Walls. RailClone is not limited to a fixed set of primitives, you can use any geometry from the scene and define your own parametric structures.

Download RailClone Lite, the free version of the plugin and use it in your personal and commercial projects.
If you are new to RailClone, see the Getting Started guide for videos, tutorials and more help in your first steps using the software.

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