游戏音乐插件@@@@|SoundManagerPro 2.6.9
2013-11-07 08:52:18   由@@ modxz上传@@    评论@@:0 点击@@:




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最新更新@@:2013-11-07 09:28:13



游戏音乐插件@@@@|SoundManagerPro 2.6.9  Next-Gen Audio and Sound Toolkit
SoundManagerPro is a powerful and easy-to-use sound and music system for Unity, both Pro and Free (3.5.4f1 or higher).
This plugin features it's own music managing AI to make sound integration into your project quick and easy. Not only is it easy, but it is done with style to add that extra UMPH. Forget about saving programming music for last, make it quick, easy, impressive and FANCY with SoundManagerPro. All with minimal overhead.
SoundManagerPro works in an interesting way which separates itself from the competition. It uses its own SoundConnection class. SoundConnections tie a list of AudioClips, a method to play them, and various other variables to a scene. Then, the AI will take it from there. Each time you enter a scene, it will just know what to do. Don't worry, SoundManagerPro is flexible and this setup is not required. It just helps you quickly set up a backbone for your project. SoundManagerPro gives you the option to still use it's AI however you want to.

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